After the ritual had eneded, Inga, Paramin and MD hurried back to the villa as fast as possible. Once there, MD slumped down into a chair.

"Inga, go help the girl gather her things; if what he said was true then we are all in danger and must leave tonight". He coughed, but didn't make a motion to get up himself.

"No, I'll help you- Paramin is capable to go gather her own things, you are not".

MD snorted and looked away from Inga, not wanting to even acknowledge his own handicap. "I suppose you are right, very well then. Go get your things girl- although you might want to leave your mother's blanket here."

Paramin nodded and ran off to her own room, trying very hard to hold the contents of her stomach in place. It was happening again, and the thought of needing to move once more shook her. What more, was the sudden change in MD, she knew it wasn't natural at all for one to age so quickly. What was in that vial? There was no known substance in any of her books that could. . . make a man dissolve from the inside out, and yet make tham age. Maybe it was the same thing in that instance? She didn't know.
Once inside her room she opened her drawers and then leaned under her bed to pull her trunk out from under it. She placed the trunk on her bed and opened it, tracing her fingers along the edge before grabbing some articles of clothing from the drawers and neatly rolling them up to fit inside of the trunk. After grabbing what she needed, she then walked over to her bookshelf and grabbed two: the one that belonged to her father, and the other that MD had given her just a few months prior- Myths and Legends from around the World. Placing those ontop of her clothes, she then looked over at the head of her bed. Next to the pillow lay her blanket, the one she had carried with her from home, made by her mother. Biting her lower lip, she grabbed it and rolled it up tightly, tucking it away underneath everything else in her trunk. The thought of leaving it behind was painful, and though she was grown now; that blanket was one of the few things she had left of life before.

MD and Inga both looked up as Paramin walked back into the kitchen carrying her trunk. "All set girl? Once we leave we won't be coming back".

"I am."

"Good." MD stood up, and Inga handing him his walking stick, the one he had always been fond of- which now served a purpose. &We walk to the docks, there is a ship waiting there to take us to a Port City, that will be our new home". He stood up, a bit shaky, but steadied himself quickly. " Inga has decided to stay here, so say your goodbye now. I'll be waiting outside."

Setting her trunk down, Paramin ran over to Inga hugging her tightly. Inga hugged her back, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "I'll miss you child, take care of him, alright?"

"I will," she replied in Eisen, causing Inga to smile. "Take care of yourself please, and come and visit."

She left the house, wiping away a few tears from her eyes as she looked back quickly, and walked up to where MD stood, picking up his bag as well as her own. "I hope you use this experience as a means of learning-- ships are a great way to learn about other people and cultures."

Walking to the docks they exchanged little in the way of conversation, and she spent her time looking around. It was a part of town she had only been to a few times, but for the most part she stayed away from. MD lead her down a dock where a small plain boat was waiting, it was nothing large and fancy like a cargo ship or a navy ship- just a passenger ship. They boarded and even though the ship wasn't even out on sea yet, her legs were already wobbly. A crew member came by and took their belongings, handing MD a key to a cabin and then walking off. She looked at her mentor and he began to walk to the stairs that led below deck. "Stay up here as much as possible, once we leave you won't be able to get as much fresh air." After a few weeks of travel, the ship finally docked in Jamenson Port and walking down the plank, Paramin's eyes widened as she watched the sheer amount of people bustle around. The city was more industrious than she was even used to back home, the tall stone buildings and billowing pillars of steam providing an elegant backdrop. MD walked out infront of her, another of of the saliors following behind him, et again carring their things. &Come along girl, I suspect you'll want to get your things put away as soon as possible. There is a metor shower tonight you'll want to study." Excitedly, Paramin hustled after them, taking in every ounce of information she possibly could. Excitement rose with every step she took and her heart pounded with anticipation, telling her that perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all.

~ Beginnings ~